Crazy Baldhead
Johnny Clarke
Chase them crazy -
Chase them crazy -
Chase them crazy.
We gonna chase those crazy
Baldheads out of town;
We gonna chase those crazy
Baldheads out of town;
I and I build a cabin;
I and I plant the corn;
Didn't my people before me
Slave for this country?
Now you look me with that scorn,
Then you eat up all my corn.
We gonna chase those crazy -
Chase them crazy -
Chase those crazy baldheads out of town!
We build your penitentiary, we build your schools,
Brainwash education to make us the fools.
Hatred is your reward for our love,
Telling us of your God, from above.
Chase them crazy -
Chase them crazy bunkheads -
Chase them crazy -
Chase them crazy bunkheads -
Chase them crazy baldheads out of the town!
Now here comes the conman,
Coming with his con plan.
We won't take no bribe;
We've got to stay alive.
We gonna chase those crazy -
We gonna chase those crazy -
Chase those crazy baldheads - out of the town.
Chase those crazy -
Chase those crazy baldheads - out of the town.